Michelle’s classes are both grounding and up lifting. Her voice is so serene in savasana, and her classes are a perfect balance of effort and ease.
— Samantha, Nanaimo BC

Home practice can be a challenge, but Michelle’s Zoom classes work wonders for me! Her calm voice is there whenever my mind wanders reminding me “I am here, here I am.” It brings me back to my breath and keeps me grounded. Thank you Michelle for reminding me just to be present and breathe.
— Agnes, Pickering ON

Michelle’s classes are the perfect combination of breathwork, strength building, stretches and balance and are challenging yet achievable. I especially love how inclusive Michelle is of all levels - she always offers options/adaptations and is extremely helpful should you struggle with any part of the class. I can’t recommend Michelle enough as a yoga teacher!
— Holly, Bamfield BC